Revd Lydia Cook on Engaging With Eco-Church

Published: May 21, 2024

Photo: Revd Lydia Cook with The Most Revd Leonard Dawea in Honiara in May 2023

On 22nd April, Revd Lydia Cook, rector at Ottery St Mary in Devon, gave an inspiring talk on engaging with Creation Care and Eco-Church as part of Boise State University’s online lecture series. Revd Lydia visited Melanesia last year and has a strong interest in the theological, spiritual and practical role of Christian Churches in caring for Creation.

In her talk, Revd Lydia looks into the insights the Scriptures give to help navigate a Christian response to the environmental crisis we find ourselves living in and asks how we can (re)discover a spirituality of Creation that speaks into people’s lives in a meaningful way, rebuilding connections with those of little faith or none. Moreover, Lydia looks at practical ways that churches can make a difference to their local community and environment through the ARocha Eco-Church scheme.

The talk is now available online at: “From Lament to Action: Why We Should All Engage with Eco-Church (Lectu” by Lydia Cook (